Binged: From
I have been very impressed by what I have seen in the original content found on Paramount+
It started with Tulsa King for me. A co-worker was raving about it. Then it was Landman he was saying was a must-watch. Before long I had seen the 3 collective seasons those shows had to offer and found myself deep-diving what else they had to offer. After trying out Mayor of Kingstown and The Agency, both seemingly good shows but neither sucked me into that binge state where an episode ends and you’ll put off anything just get a little more.
That’s when I found From. The thumbnail of Harold Perrineau was eye-catching. But, I can say that I am no horror fan, so it took a moment for me to try it. I sure am glad that I did as I proceeded to crush its 3 seasons over the next 3 or 4 days. While surely there are parts maybe you or I would have done differently I think the core story remains very strong and some great acting in important areas shines bright.
First off, I want to say that I am so glad that I didn’t look up what the show was about beforehand. That first episode is an absolute whirlwind as you are along for the ride with the Matthews Family. In your seemingly typical All-American family, you’d practically expect Cory and Topanga to pop out. Just as I was starting to forget this wasn’t some coming-of-age family drama I was brought back to this show’s reality as the characters abruptly slam on the breaks to avoid crashing into a large tree that has fallen and is completely blocking the road.
After getting out of the car to get a closer look at the tree a swarm of crows arrive all squawking and cawing louder and louder, sorry not a swarm…a murder as Julie, the older sister informs her seemingly sensitive little brother, Ethan.
At this point, it feels like we’re headed towards any number of typical horror plotlines. Maybe some inbred murderers come out of the forest or some paranormal entity stops the car from starting. Instead, they get back in the car and drive away. It’s not until later that you realize it’s already begun.
As the Matthews family drives into a small town where they see a group of maybe 10 having a funeral - How creepy that would feel, to be lost in Smalltown USA only to come across a funeral of all things. The dad, Jim, decides to ask for directions from Perrineau’s character who gives him extremely vague directions on how to get back to the highway.
I am glued at this point. The show is certainly feeling eerie but what is actually going on here? The Matthews follow these vague directions to just head straight. Suddenly they’re back where they started from, the same barn, the same church, the same restaurant. Arguments break that they must have missed a turn off…they did not.
The townsfolk know all too well what’s going on and begin to make preparations. As the viewer, it’s clicking in. They’re trapped.
The episode goes on to give a few more major world-setting points.
There are monsters that come out of the forest at night - effectively vampires who cannot enter as long as you have this talisman hanging at an entrance, but if not they will kill you. They also prey on your mind, they understand what’s going on and will try and trick you into coming out.
And that there is no way to leave this town.
Next time I will dive more into what happens throughout Season 1 and begin looking at some theories that arise and may or may not still be questions 2 seasons later.